Special award from for Mothers' Union volunteer from Blackpool

Enid Nutland with the Bishop of Blackburn, The Right Reverend Julian Henderson (left) and the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, Lord ShuttleworthEnid Nutland with the Bishop of Blackburn, The Right Reverend Julian Henderson (left) and the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, Lord Shuttleworth
Enid Nutland with the Bishop of Blackburn, The Right Reverend Julian Henderson (left) and the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, Lord Shuttleworth
A Blackpool woman has received a prestigious award after being nominated by the Bishop of Blackburn in recognition of her Christian work with Mothers’ Union.

Enid Nutland, 75, of Catford Avenue, who has been a member of the Mother's Union for more than 30 years, has received a package of special Royal Maundy coins from The Queen.

Every Easter, on Maundy Thursday, The Queen usually distributes the special Maundy coins to men and women aged 70 and over in an ancient ceremony to mark their Christian service.

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Enid was to receive two purses with the Royal Maundy - 95 pence in newly minted coins to correspond with the sovereign's age, a £5 coin commemorating birth of Wordsworth and a commemorative 50p coin - from Her Majesty during a grand service at Westminster Abbey earlier this year.

However, because of Covid restrictions this service was unable to take place, only the fourth time it has been cancelled during the Queen’s reign.

Instead the Maundy was sent by Royal Mail, and to make up for Enid's disappointment at not going to Westminster Abbey, her family held a tea party and presented the Maundy to her, in front of a cardboard cut-out Queen.

Enid, who is the Blackburn diocesan president of the Mothers Union, said: "Unfortunately the service didn't go ahead in the way originally planned, but it was still a great honour to receive it and the tea party was very memorable!"

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A more formal ceremony was later held at Blackburn Cathedral, with Lord Shuttleworth, who is the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and the Bishop of Blackburn, The Right Reverend; Julian Henderson in attendance.

Enid, who is married to Peter and has three daughters, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren, said: "Most people think that the Mother's Union just entails having afternoon tea and cake in a church hall, but over the years we have become very proactive in a number of campaigns."

There are more than 100 branches in the diocese, including 14 in Blackpool, and recently, through various fundraisers, they stumped up £38,000 which was used for the purchase and upkeep of a new caravan to provide holidays for those in need and in adversity.

They gave £9,000 to a project in Nambale, Kenya, which resulted in the provision of 90 small businesses, chicken, pig and vegetable farms and beehives for members to provide for their families and friends.

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Closer to home, Blackpool's Mothers’ Union branches provided baby packs for the Neo-Natal Unit in Blackpool Victoria Hospital and have made masks, PPE, scrub-bags, gowns, pairs of hearts for patients and relatives and prayer squares.

Enid added: "We are now also getting involved in looking out for signs of modern-day slavery, gender based violence and domestic abuse.

"We are also a charity which is based on prayer first and foremost, but we have lots of fun, friendship, fellowship, faith and food along the way!"