Andy Mitchell from Radio Wave

We all love a good ghost story

We’re not short of top drawer entertainment here in Blackpool, and as the season goes on, there’s even more to be discovered.As has always been the case in town, there are headline acts playing the big venues, and those which need searching out. If ghost hunting is your thing, then a trip on The Ghost Tram is a must. It’s organised by the town’s Victorian storyteller in chief Steve Mercer, resplendent in his black cloak and top hat, along with volunteers at Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours.Steve is no stranger to telling the tales of Blackpool’s murky past, and is often to be found pounding the streets of the town centre, pointing out places of interest and regaling his audience with tales of sinister goings on and the resort’s dead residents.He nips from street corner to street corner, pied piper like as his entourage follow him around Central Blackpool hanging onto every grisly morsel.Now he’s on the trams, and in the middle of the illuminations season, a trip to Fleetwood on The Ghost Tram brings with it tales of woe and intrigue from Blackpool’s more badly lit past.This week, even I was invited along to recall some of the darker tales from Rossall’s Victorian history, including the story of Lady Hesketh Fleetwood, who, as the White Lady, screams her way around the Square at the school, her personal tale of woe from the mid 1800s entrancing new generations year after year in the 21st century.Steve’s stories are about the alleged haunting of some of the resorts most famous buildings, the assembled passengers aboard an Edwardian double decker tram hanging on to his every word.Whether you believe in things that go bump in the night or not, this is theatre on the move of the kind you see in cities elsewhere... promenading entertainment in the true sense of the word, and is a welcome addition to the town’s night time offer.We all love a good old ghost story on an autumn night, and tales from the past on board a dimly lit old Blackpool tram seem just the sort of thing to go with the spangly lights and noise of the rest of Blackpool’s autumn offer.Tickets are available from Visit Blackpool’s office on the Prom.