Blackpool Air Show 2019: watch breathtaking stunt footage from inside an RAF cockpit

The sea where the sky should be - The Blades fly in formation over the Comedy Carpet.The sea where the sky should be - The Blades fly in formation over the Comedy Carpet.
The sea where the sky should be - The Blades fly in formation over the Comedy Carpet.
Here is footage of the death defying stunts performed by "The Blades" team from inside the cockpit.

This year's Blackpool Air Show might have had some challenging weather, but that was nothing compared to the challenge faced by the pilots pulling off death-defying stunts for the crowds below.

Footage from inside the cockpit of the RAF's "The Blades" stunt team shows the skill needed to keep control at break-neck speeds.

In a post of Facebook, "The Blades" wrote: "Depsite the weather, the crowd were fantastic as usual. Here's some highlights from our quite grey display..!"