First News: Lizards on the loose

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Did you know that the UK is home to three native species of lizard, and that now is the time they start to emerge from their winter hibernation?

A common lizard (pictured above)

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The species you are most likely to see is the common lizard, which can be found across the whole of the UK and Ireland - although they can be tricky to spot. The lizards live on the ground on heaths, moorlands and commons. They like warm, sunny spots close to cover so they can dart off and hide if they spot danger. The species is lightning fast, so you'll have to tread quietly if you spot one! Like all native reptiles in the UK, common lizards are protected by law, meaning it is illegal to hurt, injure or capture one.


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By Florence Mulhall

The first thing lots of people ask about homeschooling is: "Do you get to stay in bed later? You're so lucky!" We don't get to stay in bed late. I have to wake up for seven so I can start school at eight, but I finish work by lunchtime.

Every day we have a 'nature walk,' which basically means we go on a walk and draw, study and observe nature.