Team to lead improvements to the coastline

Fylde Councils Tourism and Leisure Chair, Coun Cheryl LittleFylde Councils Tourism and Leisure Chair, Coun Cheryl Little
Fylde Councils Tourism and Leisure Chair, Coun Cheryl Little
Fylde Council is celebrating the appointment of a new team to lead improvements to the Fylde coastline and tourism.

Two people have been recruited to new posts, after a successful Heritage Lottery Fund application of £165,000, to start the restoration of the popular Fairhaven Lake, historic buildings and landscapes.

Project officer Charlie Richards will oversee the developments at the historic site, joined by activity development officer Julie Vale. Lead consultants and a quantity surveyor have also been appointed as part of the programme.

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It is hoped the initial development grant will give the team chance to work up a more detailed, second-round bid to be submitted to the Lottery Fund in August next year – covering the restoration of several buildings, refurbishment of the late, improved water quality and a new adventure play area.

Two coastal rangers will be employed, from an Environment Agency grant of £717,000 spilt between Blackpool Council, Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Fylde Council – to manage 18km stretch of coastline from Starr gate to Savick Brook.

And an area conservation ranger is being recruited for five years, with £225,000 of funding from the development of the old Pontin’s site. They will take the lead with coastal improvements schemes, habitat management, visitor management and community engagement.

Fylde Council’s Tourism and Leisure Chair, Coun Cheryl Little, said: “I know how hard officers have worked behind the scenes to secure over £600k of external funding for these roles.” “It is so exciting to see a new team in place to manage the vitally important dunes area and I am delighted to see the recruitment of Charlie and Julie to oversee the new opportunities at Fairhaven Lake.”

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