Letters - October 31, 2016

Junction between St Annes Road and Watson Road due to be closed for 6 weeksJunction between St Annes Road and Watson Road due to be closed for 6 weeks
Junction between St Annes Road and Watson Road due to be closed for 6 weeks
TRANSPORTDanger road should be improved nowI read time and time again about people saying that since the changes were made to Watson Road junction under the bridge, this has become one of the most dangerous junctions in Blackpool.

They say it leaves cyclists and motorists stranded in the middle of a confused junction waiting for a break in traffic in order to cross.

I can recall that the councillors involved at the time said, after many complaints, that they would be looking at it and if necessary make changes to it to make it safer.

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As a driver I find it sometimes nearly impossible to negotiate when traffic is busy. Now that the junction is closed, would it not have been a good idea to put it back to as it was and work with United Utilities to get all the work done at one closure?

Going off past records with Blackpool Council, they will wait until the pipe work is complete then, if changes were to be made, close it again and cause more chaos for everyone.

They didn’t listen to anybody regarding the surfacing of the promenade but after paying a fortune of the tax payers money they have now had to dig it all up and put down a proper surface.

Forward planning, Blackpool Council.

Name and address supplied


Private care is not always the best

Be very cautious on opting for your treatment at Spire Fylde Coast Hospital. You are quickly shunted in and out for your surgery – the less time that you stay with them the better – they need your bed for the next patient.

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For minor procedures you are placed in a 16-bed room with one toilet and patients that are having various different procedures – ie ENT, Gynae and general surgery all in the same room.

No privacy with your surgeon or anaesthetist either, as you are only six feet from the patient either side and divided by a curtain.

Most importantly, Spire Fylde Coast Hospital have no facilities or back-up for eitherin-operative or post-operative complications should they occur – you are “blue lighted” up to Blackpool Victoria. Luckily it’s only down the road, but one has to hope you don’t die on the way, or they can get an ambulance to you.

Your surgeon and anaesthetist are only on-site for your operation and then return to the Vic.

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Therefore, if you have pre-existing medical conditions that may affect any elective surgery, think very carefully before you opt for Fylde Coast – the Vic for me and mine is now the preferred option, hopefully I will be able to get both a surgeon and anaesthetist should the need arise post-operatively!

My views are based on both insured treatment and NHS treatment at Fylde Coast for both me and other family members.

I gave up my private medical insurance as ALL patients at Fylde Coast are treated as above, regardless of whether they have insurance or not – not much point in paying a monthly premium!

Name and address supplied


You can’t compare Fylde with the US

It is inappropriate to compare fracking in the Fylde with fracking in a vast country like the United States, as J Standing does in his letter (Your Say, Gazette, October 24).

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How many fracking sites in the land of Trump have half a million people living within a 12-mile radius? Perhaps a fracking expert will tell us.

Your correspondent (if he lives in the Fylde) should check that his home insurance will cover damage caused by fracking.

The French are right to ban this onslaught on mother nature.

Ian Jackson

Park Road



Keep on eye on your pets on Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the 5th of November and by all means have your fun, but please keep in mind this time of the year is no fun for our pets, it’s terrifying for them.

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They can panic when fireworks are let off, then run away and get lost or injured, so please keep cats and dogs indoors whenever fireworks are being let off and try to be at home with them on bonfire night. Do not take your dog to a fireworks display, that’s very cruel.

Don’t forget the smaller animals like rabbits, which are kept outdoors. They get frightened too and are not in a position to run away and hide.

Bring their hutches indoors into a cool room, shed or garage and give them extra straw to bury themselves in while the noise is going on.

Do tell neighbours with pets in advance if you are going to let off fireworks so they can be prepared and think of our precious wildlife and check for hedgehogs in your bonfire before you light it.

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A little consideration towards our four legged friends will be very much appreciated.

Josephine Harwood

Moor Park Avenue



Better the devil you know for smokers?

Regarding the letter headlined, Safety Advice for Vapers (Gazette, October 14).

The list seems endless. I wonder at the fact that people are willing to vape after reading these precautions.

I think most people considering going from nicotine to vaper will stick with the dangers they know connected with smoking, lung cancer, heart disease etc.

Kevin Gooder

Clinton Avenue



Thanks to man who found missing wallet

Just like to say many thanks to Mr Hunt who handed in my partner’s wallet to Blackpool police station. My husband is part disabled and is very grateful.

M Cooper

Portland Road
