Letters - May 10, 2018

Jeremy CorbynJeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn
A party fuelled by hate and bitterness

Labour’s performance in the recent local elections was woeful.

As expected, Corbyn’s refusal to eradicate antis-emitism from his party and his failure to condemn Putin despite strong evidence over the Salisbury nerve agent issue resulted in scales falling off more and more voters’ eyes. His apparent support of illegal immigrants, when most people want them out, is another example of his failure to lead.

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Corbyn hasn’t just peaked, he peaked over 30 years ago as a credible politician. In that time he has never held a responsible position. His only claim to fame is the number of times he has ignored his Party’s whip.

The idea that he could ever be PM is risible, and the same goes for every member of his front bench. They are inexperienced, ideologically suspect and very unimpressive.

Corbyn has refused five times to be interviewed on the Today programme because he knows he could not answer in detail any substantial question. He talks in sound bites and sweeping generalisations. ‘How?’ and ‘why?’ leave him flustered and tongue-tied.

Voters are realising what has been evident from the start that from Corbyn they will only be fed extreme factionalism. A party fuelled by hate and bitterness is not the British way.

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The country needs competent leadership and consensus not a policy of slurs on loyal MPs. It will never get it from Corbyn and his apparatchiks.

Dr Barry Clayton

Thornton Cleveleys


Get going with new airline proposal

Re. start-up airline in bid to use airport (The Gazette, May 8). Fingers crossed that the council do back the new company to get the idea up and running as soon as possible in the hope that it will lead to other companies using the airport. Jet 2 left a huge gap when they left .

We had a lovely departure lounge and check-in desks before, so let’s try and get back to how it was before, as a small and friendly airport. Good luck to all concerned.



Prime Minister must stay strong

It’s lonely at the top - and for Theresa May it’s getting lonelier every day.

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She’s been talking the talk about leaving the EU but latest reports reveal that she is still not actually walking the walk away from Brussels.

Proposals for a ‘customs arrangement’ as opposed to a ‘customs union’ is really a matter of semantics as either way we would still be at the mercy of the EU and unable to freely make our own trade deals.

The ‘customs arrangement’ would create frightening layers of bureaucracy and ironically such red tape is among the many reasons people voted for Brexit.

Our Prime Minister is painting herself into a corner and must stay strong as otherwise she risks betraying the 17.4 million who voted for independence and for which she will not be forgiven. Not only is her job on the line but the future of her party.

Paul Nuttall

North West MEP
UK Independence Party


Why blame the Baby Boomers?

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The recent claim by a so-called ‘think-tank’ that the Baby Boomer generation, having had it so good, should now contribute to the Millennial generation by paying National Insurance and more tax to enable youngsters to benefit by being awarded a £10,000 lump sum is utterly ridiculous.

Frankly myself and many of my Baby Boomer generation are getting thoroughly sick of the current attitude that, because we managed to succeed in our careers, managed to earn enough to buy our houses, and managed to save a few pounds, that we should be penalised for it.

Yes, it’s unfortunate that some of the younger generation are struggling to buy homes, but in all fairness, how is that our fault?

Most of my generation worked hard and saved hard. We didn’t max out our credit cards, buy things we couldn’t afford, spend thousands and thousands on over-the-top weddings just to emulate silly celebrities, buy expensive cars, and we didn’t fall for payday loans – we tried to save up for everything, and if we wanted children, we waited until we could afford them, unlike some these days.

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A lump sum of £10,000 isn’t going to help them at all – many will squander it, having no financial common sense. I think our generation had far more of a grasp of finances, frankly.

We, the Baby Boomers, built this nation up to what it is now and our efforts should be appreciated: unfortunately it appears we are now being seen as fair game when really it’s the politicians who are at fault for the mess we’re in now. Appreciate the Baby Boomers.

Karl Sheridan

Via email

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