Change of plan: Road under Devonshire Road Bridge WON'T close

The railway bridge in Devonshire RoadThe railway bridge in Devonshire Road
The railway bridge in Devonshire Road
Devonshire Road will not be closed to traffic when repair work the railway bridge gets underway on Monday.

After listening to those concerns, the authority announced it will instead keep traffic flowing in both directions, and instead use temporary traffic lights and a contraflow restriction.

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Roads boss Coun Fred Jackson said: "When we announced our plans for the repairs to Devonshire Road Bridge we received a lot of comments from ward councillors, residents and businesses, expressing concern about the diversion route.

“While we think this is the best option to help traffic flow as freely as possible, we are happy to take everyone’s comments on board and trial temporary lights as an alternative.

“This means, when the work starts on Monday, the road will remain open both ways and the traffic will be managed by temporary lights.

"After the first two weeks we will review this arrangement.”

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