Port cheers as pier flat plans are rejected

Proposed Fleetwood Pier developmentProposed Fleetwood Pier development
Proposed Fleetwood Pier development
People power was being celebrated in Fleetwood after a controversial seafront housing scheme was rejected.

Consortium Simmo Developments was seeking outline planning permission from Wyre Council to build 15 apartments for the over 55s on land previously occupied by Fleetwood Pier.

But the four-storey design was deeply unpopular in Fleetwood for a raft of reasons.

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Residents and councillors from the town objected to the ultra modern design of the building in a Victorian conservation area, because of its imposing size, the fact it would be on the seaward side of the promenade and block views, as well as concerns about flood risks.

At a packed planning meeting at Wyre Civic Centre, Poulton, a string of objectors to the scheme gave impassioned statements to the committee. They raised fears that the £3.5 million development would spoil the town’s seafront forever and set a precedent for similar developments on the Fylde coast.

When it came to the vote, councillors voted 6-4 against the scheme, to loud cheers from the public gallery. It was rejected on the grounds that its height, scale, mass, design and appearance would be out of keeping with its surroundings.

Coun Emma Anderton, a Wyre Labour councillor for Fleetwood’s Warren ward, said afterwards: “I am extremely pleased at the outcome of this application and am grateful to those planning committee members who voted against it. The decision is a victory for common sense as no one wanted Fleetwood’s beautiful views across Morecambe Bay destroyed by these flats.”