Letters - October 10, 2016

The classic Yes Minister line-up (from left) Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne and Derek FowldsThe classic Yes Minister line-up (from left) Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne and Derek Fowlds
The classic Yes Minister line-up (from left) Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne and Derek Fowlds
TOURISMFirst impressions matter to touristsI see that the promenade is changing for the better with some of the once neglected hotels tidying up their premises and some of the eyesore signage being removed. The Illuminations have added attractions, with superior lighting giving a fresh new feel and added wow factor.

Festival House has its Tourism Centre boldly displayed and illuminated at night, and there seems to be an upward movement in improving the holiday maker’s experience of our town. But one major thing disappoints, and that is the gateway to Blackpool – the roundabout at the end of the M55 motorway (the missing Helter-Skelter Roundabout, the sculpture erected there in 1995, which was removed).

This roundabout is the first advertisement of Blackpool as you arrive by car or coach, and really needs addressing as it is a chance to showcase the beginning of the Blackpool experience. It needs colour and a bright aspect to match the holiday maker’s expectancy.

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Look to Morecambe’s roundabouts and other seaside towns which capture the spirit of the tourist attractions. Please Blackpool, tourism is our industry let it shine out from the start with a wow first impression!

Shirley Matthews

Primrose Avenue

South Shore


Why ban the gluten free prescriptions?

I was shocked to read the article in the Gazette that gluten free prescriptions are to be banned, according to the local clinical commissioning group. Public opinion clearly ignored given 60 per cent of sufferers responding to the CCG disagreed with the chosen option.

Even more unforgiving was the out of touch with reality comment ‘shop bought items are still affordable’ suggested by Dr Tony Naughton. I have only recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease and the option of prescription gluten free items was put to me as important by hospital staff. I also have chronic kidney disease and am registered partially sighted and consider Dr Naughton’s comments an insult to those with coeliac disease.

He should address public opinion as health professional with more sensitivity and respect for financial and health circumstance – gluten free products are expensive but obviously not to him.

Ian Hargreaves

Blackpool Road North

St Annes


Who’s he? And him? And what about her?

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I don’t know whether it is old age or falling standards, but every time I switch on the TV to another line-up of “media stars” and “celebs”, I haven’t a clue who any of them are.

Anyone got a good book?

Alan Thompson

via email


Keep your cat inside on the darker nights

Now the darker nights are here, may I appeal to cat owners to please keep your cat indoors after dark.

Cats that go out in the dark are more likely to be hit with a car, get into cat fights resulting in either infected scratches or abscesses and run the risk of catching cat flu, all of which will need veterinary treatment.

They can also be driven miles from home and become lost and homeless after curling up unseen in a motor vehicle.

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Cats love warmth, so it isn’t difficult to encourage them to stay indoors where they are safe from danger and never put them out when you go to bed - that’s very cruel!

Josephine Harwood

Moor Park Avenue



Tories are fertile ground for comedy

I write regarding Jayne Dawson’s column headlined ‘A Blue on Blue attack is something to behold’ (Saturday Slant, Gazette, October 1).

What a great television comedy this article could be a basis for.

Yes Minister was a great success years ago. This article by Jayne reminded me of it.

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Her characterisation is hilarious. Her view is spot on about Theresa May’s Tory party and its ministers.

Kevin Gooder

Clinton Avenue



Parents should turn off their screens

A few months ago, the Daily Telegraph published an article in which it stated that when youngsters leave primary school, some lack essential social skills.

This afternoon, I can understand why, because I have lost count of the number of parents I have seen who were more concerned about their mobile phones or tablets than speaking to their child.

As I was walking to the library just now, I saw a father on his tablet apparently more interested in what was on his ‘computer’ than for the well-being of his children!

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I know it may seem ‘OTT’, but if a parent is not interested in the welfare of their off-spring – then what would happen if the court suddenly made the children wards of court?

That would certainly raise a few eyebrows – would it not ?

I have lost count at the number of times I have seen this happen, so I have decided to comment, hoping that I may prick their conscience into looking after their children, which is a social, moral obligation and a legal requirement ? Norman Tomlinson

via email

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