Local gym complete fund-raising prowler push

The T12 Gym in Marton held a charity 'prowler push', with each person taking part having to push a weighted sled a total of one kilometre.
The fundraisers taking part.  PIC BY ROB LOCK
10-2-2018The T12 Gym in Marton held a charity 'prowler push', with each person taking part having to push a weighted sled a total of one kilometre.
The fundraisers taking part.  PIC BY ROB LOCK
The T12 Gym in Marton held a charity 'prowler push', with each person taking part having to push a weighted sled a total of one kilometre. The fundraisers taking part. PIC BY ROB LOCK 10-2-2018
Members of a Blackpool gym have really thrown their weight behind some local charities '“ by completing a fund-raising prowler push.

Clients and coaches from T12 Body Transformation Centre have so far raised around £2,000 for Trinity and Brian House Children’s Hospice, Lancashire Mind and Mereside Boys and Girls Club after each pushing a weighted sled an impressive one kilometre.

Fifteen people took part in the gruelling challenge, which was held at the gym on Brinwell Road, Marton.

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Jamie Ashworth, co-owner and founder of T12, said: “It went really well and everyone was amazing.

“In the build-up, people were saying that they didn’t know if they could do it.

People were doubting themselves but I knew they could do it.

“The guys pushed a 50kg weight and the girls had a weight of 35kg to push.

“It was hard going, we did 1km each.

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“It was tough but there’s no point in doing a challenge if it’s going to be easy.

“Everyone got stuck in and excelled themselves.”

The charity challenge was the brainchild of T12’s social team who organise social events for people who go to the personal training and fitness facility.

Jamie added: “At the end of last year we decided to set up a social team. We are a personal training and group training facility and wanted to organise events we could do together to help others.

“Jason Singleton, Sarah Pickles and Carly Hempel 
offered to form the social team to help us with events.

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“The prowler push was our first charity event but we will be doing more later in the year.”

Trinity and Brian House Children’s Hospice, Lancashire Mind and Mereside Boys and Girls Club were chosen as the charities to support following a poll by clients at the gym.

Jamie added: “There are a lot of people who know someone affected by cancer so we wanted to support our local hospice.

“We also recognise the importance of people with mental health problems getting the right support which is why we chose Lancashire Mind.

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“And Mereside Boys and Girls Club is a local group which helps underprivileged children so we wanted to support them, too.”

The Gazette’s Emma Harris was among those who took part in the challenge.

She said: “There was a great atmosphere and team support down at T12.

“We’d like to say a huge thanks to all those who took part, those who came to cheer us on and those who kindly sponsored us all.”

T12 Body Transformation Centre is co-owned by Tariq Robertson, who has more than 10 years’ experience of fitness and lifestyle coaching. To donate, visit https://www.justgiving.com/teams/t12