Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Friday, November 16, 2018

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is the latest round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Rhys Price, 24, criminal damage

A trail of blood led to the address of the vandal who smashed two windows at a Blackpool shop.

When questioned Rhys Price had no recollection of committing the crime but when the blood was analysed it was found to be his.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

Price, 24, of London Road, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to causing damage. He was ordered to pay £100 compensation.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said a man locked up his shop on Newton Drive between May 4 and 8, and when he arrived back after the bank holiday found two of its bay windows had been smashed.

A trail of blood from the shop led to Price’s address.

At the time of the offence Price was on licence from prison and on post imprisonment supervision.

Steven Townley, defending, said Price and his girlfriend had split-up and he started drinking heavily.

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Price, who did not normally drink, was on medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome which did not mix with alcohol.

He had no recollection of causing the damage and only accepted it after blood leading from the scene was analysed and found to be his.

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Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Thursday, November 15, 20...

Simone Ambler, 47, theft

A woman stole a handbag from another woman who was outside a bar having a cigarette.

Simone Ambler was identified from CCTV at Ma Kelly’s and was stopped by security staff when she returned to the bar.

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Ambler, 47, of High Street, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to theft.

She was sentenced to six weeks curfew from 7pm to 6am and ordered to pay the victim £75 compensation for distress.

Prosecutor, Alex Mann, said a woman’s handbag was stolen while she was at Ma Kelly’s on October 27.

Ambler was stopped by the bar’s security staff and found to have the woman’s bank cards in her pocket and her mobile phone down her bra.

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Stephen Duffy, defending, said his client, was very drunk and took the bag in an amateurish way.

After stealing the bag she went down an alley and discarded some items.

She was back in the bar 20 minutes later and was identified as the woman seen in the CCTV footage because of the distinctive trousers she was wearing.

She had co-operated with the police.

Carly McDonald, 32, breach of non-molestation order

A mother called the police after her daughter broke the law by turning up at her home.

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Carly McDonald had fled from a psychiatric unit in her pyjamas and then turned up at her mum’s address in Blackpool.

McDonald, 32, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to breaching a non-molestation order.

She was fined £80 with £85 costs plus £30 victims’ surcharge by District Judge Jane Goodwin who said the night McDonald had spent in custody would serve instead of the financial penalty.

Prosecutor, Tracy Yates, said McDonald had been put on a non-molestation order which banned her from using or threatening violence towards her mother and from going within 100 metres of her mother’s address in Fir Grove, Marton.

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On November 13, McDonald’s mum rang police to say her daughter was outside her address.

When police arrived the mother handed a copy of the non-molestation order to an officer.

Hugh Pond, defending, said his client, who had no previous convictions, had gone to the accident and emergency unit at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and been sent to a psychiatric unit in Preston.

On November 13, McDonald left the unit in her pyjamas and a friend took her to Blackpool. She was cold and decided to go and see her mother.

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Mr Pond said: “I think her mother was most concerned about her daughter’s health and wellbeing and that’s why she called the police. Her mother handed a copy of the non-molestation order to an officer and gave her daughter a tracksuit.”

Darren Johnston, 26, drunk and disorderly

A man was arrested after he refused to stop swearing and shouting outside a KFC restaurant.

Darren Johnston, 26, of Taunton Street, South Shore, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly.

He was given a six month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £20 victims’ surcharge.

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Prosecutor, Alex Mann, said Johnston was arrested on October 28 about 9.30pm, after causing a fracas, shouting outside the KFC shop in Lytham Road.

Johnston said he had suffered from mental health issues for two years and had recently lost his job because he was taking long absences from work to try to get help.

In custody he was given support by a mental health team and directed towards help.

He added: “It has been made clear I should stay away from drink as it’s not a good influence.”