Video plea to save libraries

Coun  Kerry Jones makes her pleaCoun  Kerry Jones makes her plea
Coun Kerry Jones makes her plea
A library worker turned councillor has kick-started the battle to save threatened services.

A friends group was set up last week to support the closure-threatenedlibraries at Thornton and Cleveleys.

Part of the group’s mission is to get users to post their videos online explaining what is special about their local library.

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And Coun Kerry Jones, who represents Stanah Ward was the first to make her feelings known.

“I used to work for the library service, firstly on the mobile service in South Ribble and then as a cover worker” explained Coun Jones

“I’ve worked in all of the Wyre libraries except, funnily enough, Thornton.

“But it’s the one I use with my family and there’s so much going on. The storytelling sessions are fantastic, with babies learning from an early age.

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“There are computer facilities for older children to do homework.

“But it’s not just about the young people.

“For older people libraries are a lifeline.

“I used to see people come in, read two books, go for lunch, come back and read two more. That is their life.”

Lancashire County Council is proposing to close both the libraries backed by the appeal as part of a £220m cost-saving bid.

The authority wants to keep Fleetwood library open but Coun Jones says people will not travel.

“It’s nonsense,” she said.

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“You’re asking people to travel to libraries when you’ve already cut millions from bus services.

People will not travel, they will just stop using the library.”

Coun Jones wants County Hall to back plans for a not-for -profit community interest company to take over Wyre’s libraries which have been proposed by Conservative councillors and MPs

Lancashire County Council leader Jenny Mein has launched a 12-week consultation into the proposals whch starts on Wednesday and is encouraging everyone to have their say.