Man repeatedly punched teen girlfriend

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A man repeatedly punched his teenage girlfriend in the face after she told him she would not be used as a punchbag.

Macauley Hinchcliffe pummelled his partner in the temple and lip and she fell to the ground with her mouth bleeding,

Hinchcliffe, 20, formerly of the resort’s Cavendish Road, now living in Burlington Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to assault and damaging his partner’s phone.

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Pam Smith, prosecuting, said Hinchcliffe had moved in with his 17-year-old girlfriend and her family.

On December 14 about 9.15pm Hinchcliffe, who had been in the pub, became annoyed because his girlfriend had not got the keys to the address and he would have to walk to get them.

As they walked together he pushed her into the road two or three times and threw her phone to the ground, the court was told.

The prosecutor said: “She then told him she wasn’t his punchbag and she was not walking with him.”

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She told the court: “He replied ‘Who can’t punch you?’ before punching her in the face several times.”

When interviewed by police, Hinchcliffe said he had slapped his girlfriend not punched her.

Patrick Nelligan, defending, said the couple had reconciled as friends but were no longer in a relationship.

Hinchcliffe was sentenced to an 18-month community order with up to 30 days’ rehabilitation to be supervised by the Probation Service.

Hinchcliffe was also fined £50 with £200 costs.

Blackpool magistrates also ordered him to pay £60 victims’ surcharge.