Blackpool: From the courts 08-03-18

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.
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Blackpool: From the courts 07-03-18

Emily Callaghan, 23, obstructing police

A woman lied to police in an attempt to get her boyfriend released from police custody.

Emily Callaghan told an officer her boyfriend was not the man suspected of assault and she gave the name of another man as the culprit.

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Callaghan, 23, of Abercrombie Road, Fleetwood, pleaded guilty to obstructing police.

She was fined £80 with £85 costs and ordered pay £30 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said in the early hours of February 19, doorstaff at a Blackpool pub contacted police saying a woman had been assaulted by a man.

Officers arrested Callaghan’s boyfriend and put him in a police van. She then told an officer it was the wrong man, but doorstaff confirmed the man in custody was the right one.

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Martin Hillson, defending, said his client and her boyfriend had been out drinking and argued.

A woman tried to intervene in the row by pushing Callaghan’s boyfriend away.

Callaghan then made a misguided attempt to get her boyfriend released after he was arrested.

Nikki Hymers, 33, drink-driving

A security guard said he was caught drink-driving after finding his girlfriend in a compromising position with another man.

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Nikki Hymers left on his moped and was then stopped by police who had received a tip-off he had been drinking.

Hymers, 33, of Nesswood Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was banned from the road for 20 months, fined £120 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said police received a tip-off on February 16 at 2am, that Hymers was riding his Piaggio Fly moped with excess alcohol and saw him coming from Spen Corner and going onto a pub car park.

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A breath test showed he was more than twice over the limit with 71 micrograms of alcohol in his body – 35 is the limit.

David Charnley, defending, said his client found his partner in a compromising position with another man and after an altercation left the address and drove a short distance on his moped.

Steven Brown, 31, harassment

A man described as thinking of himself as Casanova when he drank became infatuated with a teenage girl and bombarded her with unwanted text messages for sex.

Steven Brown even offered to pay the girl between £200 to £300 to have sex with him when she was aged between 17 and 18.

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Brown, a 31-year-old car valet, of Arundel Drive, Poulton, appeared via the court videolink from Preston Prison and pleaded guilty to harassment between December last year and February this year.

He was sentenced to 28 days imprisonment and ordered to pay the victim £100 compensation and also put him on a three year restraining order which bans him from contacting the victim.

Presiding magistrate, Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said the victim first became aware of Brown when she went to Carleton Bowling Club with friends.

She was walked home by a male friend and outside her home she gave him her phone number.

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The next day she got a text from Brown which read: “You’re beautiful, I’ve been wanting to speak to you for a long time.”

She received more texts and then her male friend contacted Brown and asked him to delete the victim’s number or the police would be called.

Brown stopped texting for a time but then started again offering the teenager £200 to £300 to have sex with him.

In a statement to police the victim said: “I’m frightened of him. I don’t understand what’s going on. I feel alarmed, harassed and distressed.”

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At the time of the offence Brown was on the Sex Offender’s Register indefinitely and on a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years for previous sex offences. He was also on licence after serving a prison sentence.

Gerry Coyle, defending, said: “When he drinks he thinks he is some sort of Casanova and he becomes a pest.

Corey Gould, 20, possession of a blade in public

A man alleged to have carried around a machete in public has appeared at court.

Corey Gould, 20, denied possession of a blade in public.

Gould of Butler’s Meadow, Warton, is further charged wit threatening behaviour, criminal damage to a front door and sending a threatening message via Facebook.

Gould was said to have been involved in a row with a neighbour over a television set. He was remanded in custody to appear for trial at Preston Crown Court on April 4.